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Dear Parent/Carer,

We have now received our letter from OFSTED following our inspection on 10th July 2019 and I am pleased to distribute this to you. The report will be published on the OFSTED website next week. However, we are allowed to distribute it to parents and carers in advance. This inspection was carried out under the OFSTED Framework for inspections that has been in place since September 2018 which entails an inspector making judgements on our continuing school improvement since the last inspection in November 2015.

I am delighted that we have maintained our grade for overall effectiveness as ‘Good’.  Please take time to read the report as it sets out the school’s many strengths and highlights our next steps that we had already identified for next year. It reflects the huge amount of work that has taken place over time here at Roxeth and our continuing journey to make Roxeth a great place to learn and achieve in.

I would like to thank everyone for their support since I arrived at Roxeth. The children are fantastic and are great asset to the school and we are all very proud of them.  I would like to thank all the families for their overwhelming positive support and also the governors who continue to challenge and support the school in all areas.

Lastly, a huge thank you to all the staff.  Their dedication to the children at Roxeth is second to none.  None of this would be possible to achieve on my own and the staff here at Roxeth do a brilliant job every day to ensure your children are safe and learn to the best of their ability.

We will continue to make improvements next year and are now on the journey to potentially becoming ‘outstanding’ in the near future.

The report can be found on our website and published on the Ofsted website.

Yours sincerely

Mr S Deanus

Please click below to download a copy of the Ofsted report.

Please click on the Parent View image to give your view to Ofsted.