November 2023 - Tag Rugby

November 2023 - Tag Rugby
On Thursday 23rd November, Roxeth took a Y5/6 team to the borough’s Tag Rugby Festival at Harrow RFC. They played four very competitive matches against teams from Stanburn, Longfield, St. Joseph’s and Pinner Wood and ended the day winning all four matches and qualifying for the finals day, which will be held in the Spring Term! Some brilliant defending from Lena and Saanvi kept the opposition at bay for large periods, resulting in Roxeth only giving away five tries throughout the whole afternoon. Taylan and Raphael’s attacking play, running with the ball, was exceptionally good contributing to Roxeth managing twelve tries in total. Huge congratulations to the squad which consisted of: Taylan, Arjun, Saanvi, Raphael, Haneen, Aryan, Tamryn, Lena, Sara and Ethan.