Netball League

Throughout January and February, the Roxeth Netball team have been completing their league fixtures. It has been a fantastic learning opportunity for the squad to take the skills they have been practising in their PE lessons and the Netball club and test their ability against other schools in the borough. Mr G and Mr Karaiskos have witnessed a vast improvement in not only their performance and positional play, but also their resilience and teamwork over the weeks as the squad have become more confident and experienced. Overall, after 6 matches against Norbury, St Bernadette’s, Camrose, Whitchurch, Elmgrove and Saint Jerome, Roxeth have ended the league with two matches won, a draw and three losses, placing them mid-table. It means that we will get a chance to progress into the Tier 3 Finals in March, to play against other similarly-abled schools. A huge congratulations to the squad over the 6 fixtures: Arjun, Haneen, Abeera, Sofia, Tamryn, Aryan, Alex, Ilham, Aarya, Sara and Raphael.