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  • Christmas Jumper Day

    Published 19/12/23
    On Tuesday 12th December, Roxeth participated in Christmas jumper day to raise money for Save the Children. It was a wonderful day full of festive cheer with the children also having their Christmas lunch. A huge thank you to everyone who took part a
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  • Diwali Assembly

    Published 28/11/23

    This month, on Wednesday 15th November, a few children from Year 5 and 6 took part in a fabulous Diwali assembly. The narrators were Rafa, Sara and Sofia. They were accompanied by Roxeth’s very own amazing dance troupe, which included Imogen, Kamsy, Mahi, Mishika and Neolon. The assembly focused on the meaning of Diwali, how it is celebrated and how it is prepare for.

    Did you know that Diwali is a five-day Festival of Lights, celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs and Jains throughout the world?

    The children saw a video clip about the story of Rama and Sita and the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness.

    We found out about some of the children’s own celebrations of Diwali and the New Year: cleaning and decorating the house with rangoli patterns, wearing new clothes, lighting diyas and candles, going to the temple and meeting family and friends to share delicious Indian food and sweets. Mrs Raja (5G) also shared some photos and video clips of her Diwali celebrations including a fireworks party! The children were mesmerised with the loud, vibrant and colourful fireworks party at Mrs Raja’s house!

    Diwali is a fun, happy time spent with family and friends. We hope that, for those families who celebrated Diwali on Sunday 12th November, they had a lovely time. Happy Diwali!

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  • Tag Rugby

    Published 28/11/23

    On Thursday 23rd November, Roxeth took a Y5/6 team to the borough’s Tag Rugby Festival at Harrow RFC. They played four very competitive matches against teams from Stanburn, Longfield, St. Joseph’s and Pinner Wood and ended the day winning all four matches and qualifying for the finals day, which will be held in the Spring Term! Some brilliant defending from Lena and Saanvi kept the opposition at bay for large periods, resulting in Roxeth only giving away five tries throughout the whole afternoon. Taylan and Raphael’s attacking play, running with the ball, was exceptionally good contributing to Roxeth managing twelve tries in total. Huge congratulations to the squad which consisted of: Taylan, Arjun, Saanvi, Raphael, Haneen, Aryan, Tamryn, Lena, Sara and Ethan.


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  • Roxeth Fights Against Climate Change!

    Published 28/11/23

    From 30th Nov-12th Dec COP28 will be taking place in the United Arab Emirates. This year representatives from all over the world will gather to discuss global warming with a focus on how best to adapt to the shift of extreme weather. The Rights Rangers and a group of year 5 girls worked together to write good luck cards to the Rt hon Graham Stuart who is the Minister of State for Energy Security and Net Zero and the UK’s representative for COP28. In the cards children informed the minister on the negative impact global warming is having on children’s rights, health and education all over the world. They also gave the minister ideas on how they thought was best to combat the ongoing battle with global warming, which they hope will be addressed at this year’s conference. After writing and decorating the cards the children along with Mr Smith and Miss Ryan took a stroll down to the local post-box to send the Cards off. Well done to all the children involved!

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  • 5A Science Experiment

    Published 31/10/23

    5A have been investigating how the temperature of water affects how long it takes for a sugar cube to dissolve. They conducted this experiment in groups and they found out that the higher the temperature, the quicker the sugar will dissolve.

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  • Reception - Elmer the Elephant

    Published 31/10/23

    In Reception we have been learning about Elmer the Elephant.  We talked about our similarities and differences and that it’s ok to be different.


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  • Yr6 Animal Collage Art

    Published 31/10/23

    This half term, Year 6 have been using a variety of techniques and materials to create animal collage art. We used oil pastels, pencils, colouring pencils, felt tips and created patterns using the various materials. We enjoyed all the different parts of this activity each week and loved the creativity we had through this art. This is our finished display which we admire every time we pass it-we hope you enjoy it too!

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  • YEAR 2 The Sports Stars of Tomorrow!

    Published 22/09/23
     Year 2 have started the year being super sporty both inside and outside. For 2F our outside PE is with the very talented Spurs sports coaches. We have been learning to improve our dribbling skills and our team work. We have only had two session
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  • 5A PE

    Published 20/09/23

    During the Indoor PE lesson, 5A worked wonderfully in groups and created interesting symmetrical balances.

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  • Yr1 learning outdoor

    Published 20/09/23

    Year 1 enjoyed the sunshine and did some learning outdoors. We wrote numbers with chalk on the playground.  

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  • Percussion Workshop

    Published 17/07/23
    On Monday 10th July some Year 6 pupils (who learn drums at school) went to a Percussion Workshop Day at Harrow Arts Centre. This day was arranged by Harrow Music Services and lead by 4 drum teachers.  Pupils from other Primary Schools in Harrow
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  • Yr 1 Aldenham Country Park

    Published 17/07/23
    We visited  Aldenham Country Park where we  walked across 100 Acre Wood, looking for Whinnie the Pooh and his friends. We only came across their empty houses. Nevertheless, they left plenty of evidence that they had been there not long befo
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