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  • FSPA SEND Family School Partnership Award 2024

    Published 17/07/24
    This year, Roxeth took part in a project to improve partnerships with parents and carers of children identified as having a Special Educational Need or Disability. After a whole year of staff and families working together, we were awarded the FSPA SE
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  • School Games Mark Award

    Published 17/07/24
    We are delighted to announce that Roxeth have achieved the highest award - GOLD in the School Games Mark Award for the 2023/24 academic year. The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport T
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  • Year 2 learning this month

    Published 17/07/24
    The Year 2s have had a very busy month. They had a school trip to Whipsnade Zoo and Sports Day all in one week!   The children thoroughly enjoyed their trip to the zoo. We saw a huge range of animals from penguins to rhinos. We also went o
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  • Y3 Trip to Tower of London

    Published 17/07/24
    At the beginning of the month, Year 3 went on an adventure to the historical landmark: the Tower of London. To gather research for their leaflets, the children explored the tales and history of the famous landmark. They participated in a guided tour,
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  • Y5 & 6 Choir

    Published 26/06/24
    Children from choirs in years 5 and 6 had the opportunity to sing on stage with several other schools in Harrow as part of Song Festival. It took place at Kadwa Patidar Centre and was a great experience for all of them. Their enthusiastic partic
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  • Y5 Science Day at Whitmore

    Published 26/06/24
    On Tuesday 11th June, a lucky group of Y5 children visited Whitmore High School to take part in their annual Science Day!  The children had great fun observing and taking part in various experiments such as mixing acids and alkaline and seeing w
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  • Yr6 France and Venture Week

    Published 26/06/24
    Year 6 had a week of fun during Venture Week and France. Here is what our pupils would like to say about their trips:   France was an enjoyable trip with many great adventures and activities. From unpacking our bags to venturing around the
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  • Music in Roxeth

    Published 24/05/24
    It’s always lovely to hear children and staff tell me how singing assemblies brighten their Monday mornings! It’s a great start to the week. We have explored songs connected with the school’s monthly values of determination, thought
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  • YR Learning This Month

    Published 20/05/24
    Reception classes have been learning about Animals. We have read many stories about animals including The Grufflo and have also looked at non-fiction books about Animals. We have created our own non-fiction books and also painted different animals. W
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  • International Day

    Published 20/05/24
    On Wednesday 1st May, Roxeth Primary celebrated International Day!  It was a wonderful day to celebrate and appreciate the wide range of cultures at Roxeth.  The children dressed up in traditional clothes and clothes which represented their
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  • Y6 Junior Citizenship Trip​​​​​​​

    Published 29/04/24
    Last term, Year 6 went on an incredibly informative Junior Citizenship Trip at Stanmore Community Centre. There were five different stations for the children to participate in: fire safety, bus and tube safety, first aid, road safety and drugs awaren
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  • Year 4 Cooking Workshop

    Published 29/04/24
    During Healthy Lifestyles week, Year 4  had a cooking workshop led by the school chef. Firstly we learnt how to knead the dough with the palm of our hand, this will help the bread to rise when its cooking. Next we tested different ways to s
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